
17th century polychrome wood sculpture of Michael slaying the dragon/devil.Probably Spain.

17th century wood polychromed figure of Christ on the column.

17th century Wood polychrome sculpture of a Bishop/Saint with traces of original silver gilding and red polychrome.

15th century limestone group of the circumcision of Christ in the temple.

20th century sculpture of King David by Sam Philipe (contemporary artist). This is the prototype for the over life-sized piece at the tomb of King David in Old Jerusalem.

15th century German polychrome wood carving of a saint/scholar.

18th century. Madonna Immaculate in terra cotta, Naples, Italy.

c. 1500 French polychrome wood statue of Madonna & Child.

15th century limestone group of the circumcision of Christ in the temple.

Boxwood corpus of “Cristo Morto”. 17th century.