How to Witness to your Kids
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) It’s one thing to share your faith with someone you don’t know at the train station, or at the mall, but how do we share our faith with an unbelieving son or daughter? Sharing
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) It’s one thing to share your faith with someone you don’t know at the train station, or at the mall, but how do we share our faith with an unbelieving son or daughter? Sharing
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) The Christian can respond in multiple ways to this assertion. First, we may respond with: “So What?” Even if it is true that a person affirms Christianity out of a desire to find psychological
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) One does not study the field of apologetics for very long without soon bumping into the creation vs. evolution debate. Perhaps the most frequent attacks upon the biblical worldview are aimed right at the
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) “The soul who sins shall die. The son shall not suffer for the iniquity of the father, nor the father suffer for the iniquity of the son. The righteousness of the righteous shall be
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) Young Earth Creationism holds to the position that the creation days in Genesis are to be taken at face value and understood within the context of God creating everything within the span of six
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) I have been currently reading through Plato’s ethical philosophy and happen to think it is very interesting. Reading it through the lens of a Christian worldview has made things even more interesting as I
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) Within certain Christian circles, it has been suggested that “curses” can be and are passed through generations. For example, a family with a history of some sinful behavior or life pattern can incur the
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) In the Old Testament we read of the practice of having many wives. Indeed it was common to the cultures of the ancient near east to have more than one wife. Furthermore, we read
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) The simple answer to this question would be to read the Bible and believe it. This deceptively simple answer strikes at the core of how we know anything concerning God and His will. If
By Elias Ayala (M.A.T. & Mdiv) What is Open Theism? Open theism is the position that God does not know the future. While affirming God’s omniscience, the term is carefully defined in a fashion so as to suggest that God
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