Modern Attempts To Create Scriptureless Nations

By L. Alfred James My last article analyzed France’s attempt to create a nation without the use of any scripture at all. The result was a bloody revolution with 40,000 deaths in its wake, the arrest of hundreds of thousands

Show Me Miracles Then I’ll Believe!

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) It is often suggested by the skeptic, that only if they could see a miracle, then they would believe in God. The implication is that there needs to be some sort of empirical verification

Can You Have Human Rights Without Scripture?

By L. Alfred James The Bible has been extremely important in making the world a better place. Last article we noted one cause for this. Scripture provides a logical reason for believing that human beings are intrinsically valuable. Namely, that

Could God Use Imperfect People to Write the Bible?

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) Of course God can use imperfect people to write the Bible. Often times this question springs forth from the notion that because people are imperfect, then we should be wary about trusting what they


Want A Great Sex Life? Then Obey God

By L. Alfred James In my last article we saw that the Bible makes it very clear that God thinks that sex was a great idea. After all, he invented it. And he commands married couples to engage in it

Does the Soul Continue After Death?

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) When a person dies, do they cease to exist upon death only to be raised to life on the day of resurrection? Or, does the soul have a continued existence after death, an existence

What Does God Think About Sex?

By L. Alfred James The Christian church has an unfortunate history of encouraging people to think of sex as dirty, as a subject to be avoided, and as a source of shame. For instance, in the late 100’s the church

Are We Punished for Adam’s Sin?

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) There is a sense in which we are and a sense in which we are not. On the one hand, because of Adam’s sin all men have inherited a sin nature as a result


7 Objections to Christianity

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) Isn’t the Bible Filled with Errors? No, the Bible is not filled with errors and the person suggesting such bears the burden of proof to demonstrate this. An opponent of Christianity does not get

Christian Apologetics & Wicca

By Elias Ayala (MDiv & M.A.T.) Christian apologetics is the defense of the faith. While it is often associated popularly with defending the faith against atheists and other skeptics, it also involves interaction with false religious systems. This can include

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